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Thames Valley Heartbeat

Supporting your local community by providing defibrillators within the Thames Valley

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About us

Thames Valley Heartbeat was set up in 2019 to raise funds to purchase defibrillators and provide familiarisation sessions in their use for communities within the Thames Valley.

The charity has eight trustees who all give their time and energy in a 100% voluntary capacity. They bring a wide variety of experience from their involvement in other charities and businesses. There are no admin, salary or expenses costs, and all money raised goes directly to the charity’s objectives.

Our team of trustees


Defibrillators can save lives in your local community.

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Building your confidence

We'll show you how to do CPR and use a defibrillator.

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Supporting local events with First Aid

We can provide first aid cover at your event.

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Donations and fundraising

Your contributions can make a real difference.

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Since 2019 we have...

donated 18 defibrillators

held 31 familiarisation sessions

familiarised 347 people

supported 52 events with First Aid

St Luke's Church, Maidenhead

St Luke's Church

Maidenhead, Berkshire

Slough Irish Club

Slough Irish Club

Slough, Berkshire

Furze Platt Scout Headquarters

Furze Platt Scout Headquarters

Maidenhead, Berkshire

Ashford Common Methodist Church

Ashford Common Methodist Church

Ashford, Surrey

Maidenhead Mosque

Maidenhead Mosque

Maidenhead, Berkshire

St Mary's Church'

St Mary's Church

Maidenhead, Berkshire

United Church

United Reformed Church

Egham, Surrey