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A defibrillator in its protective case, mounted on red brick wall

The vital few moments

Cardiac arrest is a leading cause of premature death, but with immediate treatment, many lives can be saved. The heart stops because the electrical rhythm that controls the heart is replaced by a disorganised electrical rhythm. The quicker this can be treated, the greater the chance of successful resuscitation.

Cardiac arrest can be reversible, but it's vital that it is recognised and acted upon in the first few seconds or minutes. Lives can be saved by CPR and the use of a defibrillator.

People are often reluctant to do anything for fear of making matters worse in the event of cardiac arrest, so we provide confidence building familiarisation sessions on CPR and the use of a defibrillator.

Apply for a defibrillator for your local community

Intro paragraph, mention Thames Vallley.

  • Communities can only apply for one defibrillator and the application only applies to new defibrillators not a replacement one.
  • If your application is successful you will receive an iPAD SP1 or equivalent. We do not provide the cabinet to store the defibrillator.
  • You will need to have the cabinet before you receive the defibrillator. The cabinet should be locked and on an outside wall and available to the public 24/7. It will also need an electrical supply.
  • Once in place, the defibrillator should be logged on The Circuit National Defibrillator Network.
Contact us to apply
A defibrillator being handed over to community representatives at The Lord Nelson pub in Brightwell Baldwin